The agency has established a policy for potential participants, who failed to register for Selective Service and expressed an interest in training. The counselor will request a Status Information Letter from the potential participant before making a determination of knowing and willful failure to register. After the counselor receives the Status Information Letter, the customer must provide a written statement, stating the reasons why he did not register along with any documents corroborating his statement. Counselor will place Status Information letter and statement in customer file. It should be noted in your case notes.

    The following will be considered as allowable excuses:

    • High School dropouts

    • Incarcerated during-the time they were required to register ( release paperwork)

    • Customers, who entered this country illegally, but was still required to register

    • Transgender

    • Men, who recently discharge from military service

    • Hospitalizationorinstitutionalization

    • All others must be reviewed/approved by supervisor

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