1. Passaic County One-Stop Career system staff will verify and document eligibility for supportive services/transportation payments by:
- Applicant interviews
- Review of supportive services payment requests and documentation submitted by customers.
- Referencing LOOPS data to identify Unemployment Insurance recipients.
- Referencing OMEGA data to identify Work First New Jersey recipients
2. Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth customers will receive:
- A monthly three-zone bus card
Customers receiving Unemployment Insurance will not receive travel payments. Welfare recipients will not receive travel.
3. Transportation services will be made to customers in work experience, training and taking training-related certification tests only.
4. Passaic County One-Stop Career Center MIS staff will consult LOOPS to determine if training customers are receiving unemployment benefits. The staff will rely on customer self-attestation to determine receipt of benefits from TANF/GA or other sources. Customers determined to be receiving benefits from other sources will not receive supportive services/transportation payments.
5. Trainees whose academic progress and attendance are reported as satisfactory by their training institutions will receive supportive services/transportation payments.
6. Passaic County One-Stop MIS staff will review applicant data for WIA/ARRA program eligibility. The Passaic County One-Stop Career Center system counseling supervisor will determine and document customer eligibility for supportive services/ transportation payments. ETS counselors will ascertain customer training attendance and academic progress by review of progress reports from training entities. The Passaic County fiscal department will review payment requests for completeness and accuracy.
7. The Passaic County Workforce Investment Board will rely on the process described in the previous paragraph to prevent fraud. Suspected fraud will be immediately reported to the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development.